If you go high in terms of angle, it will become more of an overhead press than a bench press. Most commercial gyms don’t have an adjustable bench and you’re compelled to use a regular incline bench. Before you unrack the barbell, you should get your shoulders into position first. Using a shoulder-width grip… With the seat upright, you can improve your posture or put it away for storage. Bench Press Grip Width A standard bench press is done with your grip about 1.5x your shoulder width and your elbows flared to about 45 degrees, like so: Standard bench press grip width … incline close grip bench press reverse close grip bench press seated barbell tricep extensions i alternate this workout plans every month ican do skullcrushers since it bothers my elbows 12-19-2003, 08:05 PM #7. Fortunately, you can easily order your own Adjustable Incline Bench online for an affordable price. Grip Width. Seated incline benches may or may not come with racks and even if they do they may or may not be height adjustable. The fourth choice is a reverse grip on the barbell. And even if they do adjust they may or may not suit each individual user. Join over 500k subscribers who receive weekly workouts, diet plans, videos and expert guides from Muscle & Strength. As we mentioned the importance of keeping your shoulder blades in position, this position can only be maintained with a slight arch. A post shared by Anand | Online Coach (@underdog.strength) on Mar 9, 2018 at 6:44am PST. Bench: 2/3, 165kg/363.8lb (12.5kg comp PR) Bench went absolutely INSANE this prep. As you increase the angle of the bench (i.e., use a more inclined bench), the upper arms move closer to an overhead position, so more of the work falls on your triceps long head. A common option for bench pressers is a position about halfway between the close and wide grips. Check out my recommended Adjustable Incline Bench. – Sternal Head (Lower Chest) Reverse Grip, Just Outside Shoulder-Width. Next to the grip width it's also heavily debated which grip one should use. and C. Aaron, Effect of Grip Width on the Myoelectric Activity of the Prime Movers in the Bench Press. Close Grip Bench vs. Incline. Hi there! If further increasing strength on your bench press is your goal but you find yourself … Make a plan that matches your goals with help from this simple guide! In my experience, most commercial gym benches are not very good for pressing because they are too narrow and are often unstable. Leather pads are found on both the seat and back. Bodybuilding. and C. Aaron, Effect of Grip Width on the Myoelectric Activity of the Prime Movers in the Bench Press. A wide grip bench press is considered a grip that is 1.5-2X the width measured between your shoulders. If you want to maximize strength and hypertrophy, your training program should have a combination of barbells and dumbbells. In this article, you will learn the correct Incline technique to build impressive chest muscles. The close grip incline bench … Even though it’s not obvious right away, in all of the images and clips you see in this article, I’m maintaining a slight arch. Your grip can even alter the range of motion and how much weight you can push. A close grip incline bench press involves moving the hands closer together on the barbell to create a close grip. Using a full grip is not only safer but it may also help you bench more weight because when you grip something firmly, it may increase your power output. It recruits muscle fibers in your chest, triceps, shoulders, and back even. what is the proper way? Incline Bench Press with Machine: Performed by lying back on the incline bench press machine. Your grip should be … Narrowing your grip makes your triceps work harder and uses your shoulders less than a traditional medium grip. The flat and decline bench primarily use the Sternocostal Head of the Pec Major (Lower Chest). However many people can seemingly perform incline bench press with a wider grip width without incident despite others being more prone to injury. - Press the bar directly up. I consider this to be an essential piece of equipment for strength training as they help support your wrists and also help you maintain a straight wrist while you press. My goal is to help you reach your goals hether you want to lose weight, build muscle, increase strength or even feel better. But. The Incline Bench Press Starts with the Barbell directly over your shoulders. This angle will ensure that you train your upper chest, shoulders, and triceps. By Carol Poster. The wide-grip bench press, a variation of the staple bodybuilding exercise, seems to have an equal amount of proponents and detractors. This is because of the angle and the increased range of motion. You can increase the stability of this exercise by learning how to retract your scapula/shoulder blades. The Close Grip Bench Presses is a Bench Press using a narrow grip. Wrist Wraps are extremely useful for many different exercises such as the bench press, overhead press, bicep curls, snatches, clean and jerk, low-bar squats and even deadlifts. Grip width is a crucial training technique element that can alter bench press performance. In hindsight, i likely didn't rehydrate well enough after weigh ins until after bench. Simply measure the distance from the outside edge of … To find the best foot position, try keeping your feet as far back as possible while keeping your heels planted in the floor. The Floor Press. Using the ultra-wide grip used by geared lifters can lead to stagnation and possible injury. I don't do incline close grip but I would bet most people's incline close is more weight then their reg incline. The bench is powder-coated black for a sleek finish. Grip Width? Is it because pressing is inherently bad for your shoulders? Chalk is also something that is extremely useful when it comes to strength training. Use the appropriate rack height where it’s neither too low nor too high. Martin's concern over the risks outweighing the benefits is supported by a review of research published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal, which found that the amount of torque in the shoulders in nearly 1.5 times greater when performing a wide-grip bench press than a narrow-grip … Purpose: To verify the effects of using different grip widths in bench press performance in Paralympic powerlifting athletes. Doing the movement on a decline bench reduces the long-head involvement, so more of the emphasis falls on the lateral triceps head. Knowing how each grip affects the lift can make a huge impact on your training. The amount of incline bench, grip width variety, or barbell and dumbbell variations can make a difference in your training and results. Here, your forearms are about perpendicular to the floor when the bar is in the bottom position. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. At full extension, the narrow grip allows a great squeeze in the inner pecs. Bill Geiger, MA, has served as a senior content editor for Bodybuilding.com and group editorial director with MuscleMag and Reps magazines. In order to apply force in this direction, you have to be on an incline. Don't just get under the bar and guess where to put your hands. Optimizing your grip for a raw press will not only lead to a greater press, it'll keep you on the bench and off the therapy table. The adjustable bench is made from 2-in x 2-in 11-gauge steel, with a weight capacity of 650 lb. Anatomy of the Reverse-Grip Bench Press. The muscle we will be focusing on is the Pec Major, which is one of the largest muscles in the body. When you set the rack too high, you will not be able to keep this retracted position. and P. Comfort, The Affect of Grip Width on Bench Press Performance and Risk of Injury. Going too wide on the incline can place a lit of stress on your upper chest and shoulders. At full extension, the narrow grip allows a great squeeze in the inner pecs. 2. Lie on the bench with your eyes under the bar Grab the bar with a medium grip-width (thumbs around the bar!) . Narrow grip bench presses are usually done with a flat or decline bench. Incline Barbell Bench Press Tips. The barbell starts directly over the shoulders and when you touch your chest, it is no longer over your shoulders and there is a moment arm between your shoulders and the barbell. My name is Anand and I'm a Fat Loss and Strength Coach. It can direct the stimulus from your upper to lower pecs, or from the inner to outer pecs. How Wide Should Your Bench-Press Grip Be? The wide grip incline bench press is a variation of the incline bench press and is used to build the pushing muscles (chest, shoulders, and triceps) of the upper body.. These are commonly referred to as the ‘Pecs’. However, if you don’t have a partner who can spot you, you should do it in a power rack or squat rack to ensure you won’t get hammered by the weight – believe us, it happens more often than you think. Think about all the different movements you can perform using your shoulders. Ended up going a bit under the original plan for my 3rd but it was still too heavy for the day. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2007. If you already bench with a wider grip on the flat bench press, you may want to use a slightly narrower grip on the incline bench press. Keep them in this safe position throughout the movement. As you get more advanced, you can try different grip widths to see which one you prefer. This is because the angle at which the force is applied is in line with the muscle fibers of the lower chest. Why is it that so many lifters complain about shoulder pain from pressing? Beginners often make the mistake of pressing straight up and forget to press back. Before you get lost trying to compose an elaborate chest workout routine, keep in mind that there is a much simpler way to target all of these muscles more effectively while performing the bench press: change your grip width. Modern Equipment . That shifts the emphasis to your chest—particularly the outer pecs—and puts a greater load on your shoulders. The really great thing about the reverse-grip bench press is that it’s rather safe when performed correctly and it’s generally easy to perform. Bench Press Grip: A grip that is about 50% wider than shoulder width is a good starting point, Retract Shoulder blades: Pull your shoulder blades back and down. Even my close-grip bench grip is slightly wider than most people. It will probably not be at exactly 90 degrees but it will be very close. Green, C.M. The Incline bench press is one of the best exercises for working out your upper chest along with your triceps and shoulders. One study showed that using a reverse grip on the bench press – flat bench, not incline – increased subjects’ upper pec activity by 30%. Almost any type of bench press whether it’s incline, decline or flat, will work your chest shoulders and triceps. Unrack the barbell and bring it directly over your shoulders. what is the proper way? As we discussed earlier, the rack height you set up before unracking the barbell is crucial. The Clavicular Head originates at your clavicle (collarbone). Using a thumbless "false grip" on the bar can also get the shoulder in a neutral position by reducing the carrying angle between the upper arm and the torso. December 14, 2015, 5:25pm #1. i’m extremely weak if i try to touch the chest; very unnatural. The smith machine is NOT recommended because of it’s unnatural bar path. Related: Do the Low-Incline Bench Press for Pecs Related: Fix Your Bench Press, Deadlift, and Front Squat This will also place unnecessary stress on your elbows. Your grip should be your 1.5 biacromial width to keep your shoulders at an adbuction width at 45 degree. This way, you can get a good feel for where you should touch the barbell. ). In fact, most of them bench with the maximum legal grip width with their pointer fingers on the grip rings – 81cm apart. In my article on How to Bench Press Properly (For Beginners), I mentioned the importance of leg-drive in the bench press. this means that the barbell is almost directly over or elbows. Widening your grip activates the shoulder and chest muscles more than using a narrower grip. Close Grip First off, we have the close grip bench press. Clemons, J.M. Even though all forms of bench press train the chest muscles, they don’t target them in the same way. The wide grip bench press allows you to maximally recruit the pec muscles, which are responsible for producing maximum force off the chest. But grip the bar with your hands about shoulder-width apart. The bench press is a chest day staple. Since the incline bench puts more stress on the upper pec, it will help to fill in an area of the chest that seems to be lagging for many lifters. The Warrior Light Commercial Flat Incline Decline FID Bench is the perfect free weight utility bench for upper body dumbbell exercises. This does not mean that you need an extreme arch like many powerlifters but it is important to have at least a slight arch in your back to maintain your shoulder position. For most people, this is just inside shoulder width. You can absolutely hit reverse grip or close grip hard for a cycle or two. If you touch too low, it will place unnecessary stress on your shoulders and biceps. Keep in mind that the widest possible grip allowed of pro powerlifters is the index finger on the outside ring. Close Grip Incline Bench Press: Performed by holding the bar with a shoulder-width grip or a slightly narrower grip. Make sure the bench is adjusted to between 15 and 30 degrees on an incline. It also increases the risk of the barbell falling on to your neck. However many people can seemingly perform incline bench press with a wider grip width without incident despite others being more prone to injury. A coaching cue that I like to use is ‘Chest Up’. Comparing the competition bench press style (wide grip on a flat bench) resulted in similar muscle activation in chest and shoulder muscles compared with 1) an inclined and declined bench position and 2) a medium and narrow grip width. A wider grip can help can help you target the chest a bit more and a narrower grip can help you target your triceps a bit more. Use different grip width – people with longer arms may need to perform the exercise using a wider If you want to activate your triceps more then hold the bar with a close grip. An important thing to keep in mind is that you should maintain this position throughout the movement. The underhand grip takes the pressure off the shoulders while hitting your pecs to an even … His hands are placed slightly wider than shoulder width apart on the barbell, using an overhand grip. If you deviate too far from it, it will make the movement unnecessarily harder. Th upper chest is also involved in the flexion of the humerus (upper arm), which helps you raise your arms up. You can also use chalk on your back when you bench to prevent it from slipping off the bench. To perform the incline bench press on the Smith machine, the bench is straddled and the weight lifter aligns his upper chest with the bar. Check out this excellent video by Alan Thrall, on the bench press bar path. Join over 500k subscribers who receive weekly workouts, diet plans, videos and expert guides from Muscle & Strength. For most people, this is the most comfortable width. To make this grip work, your forearms must be close to perpendicular, and your elbows must be close to your sides. In my observation as a coach, I’ve seen that most new lifters don’t learn this crucial step. However, some people find that this extra strength comes at the expense of shoulder pain. The goal of a proper unrack is to clear the hooks and bring the barbell to the starting position (directly over your shoulders) as efficiently as possible. This is how your body is designed to move and is a good position for your shoulders. Widening your grip activates the shoulder and chest muscles more than using a narrower grip. Using the ultra-wide grip used by geared lifters can lead to stagnation and possible injury. Here's how to determine your theoretical "perfect" grip width on the barbell during the Bench Press: Stand with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. A 30-degree angle will target your chest a bit more than a 45-degree angle, which will target your shoulders a bit more. The best position is when your forearms are almost perpendicular to the floor when looking from the side. When you lower the barbell to your chest, the barbell will no longer be over your shoulders. Some people make the mistake of bringing the barbell straight down to their chest instead of tucking their elbows. This is "Wide Grip Incline Bench Press" by Keven Boily on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. While the upper chest is involved in flat presses to some degree, because of the direction of the muscle fibers, you have to train this muscle on an incline. For this reason, it can also be unstable. Tips for Crushing The Skullcrusher Your shoulder joint is involved in so many different activities. A 45-degree bench incline has the most activation in … Remember, your scapula has to be retracted to ensure shoulder safety. The amount of stress placed upon the upper pec will vary depending on the degree of the incline bench and the grip width that you use on the bar. –, A post shared by Anand | Online Coach (@underdog.strength) on Mar 7, 2018 at 12:46pm PST. If you have setup the rack height correctly, it will make it much easier to unrack the barbell. 5777 N Meeker Ave, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA, Steve Cook's Modern Physique training plan, To hit triceps: close grip or reverse grip, For shoulder health: normal or close grip. That means the clear winner here is the reverse-grip barbell bench press. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2007. If you want to make the incline bench press more efficient, your rack height should be set up in a way that requires minimal effort to rack and unrack the weight. The multi-angled settings on the back pad with independent adjustment for seat allow for use as a decline bench, flat bench, incline bench, and full upright bench press for military press exercises. By Carol Poster. It hits the triceps dead-on and targets the inner-pec fibers especially well. kickureface. One of the greatest benefits of the barbell bench press is the ability to use different grip-widths to emphasize different muscles. This variation recruits your triceps heavily, but it has also been shown to emphasize the upper pecs well. That being said, as you get stronger, heavy dumbbells will be harder to get into position. The most important piece of equipment is the actual bench itself. If you're trying to build your upper chest, the angle matters. In an incline bench press, you won’t be able to use much leg drive to move the weight but your foot position plays an important role. Foot Position. In one study where trained male subjects self-selected a bench press grip they normally used in training, it was measured at 189 percent biacromial width (76.5 cm). You may have to make adjustments based on your arm length, strengths & weaknesses, injury history, pain & discomfort etc. Reverse Grip Incline Bench Press: Involves holding the barbell with an underhand grip so that the palms are facing towards you. And the best grip for overall pec development is the one you're comfortable doing again and again, right? Some may also be adjustable in width but those are rare. © 2020 Bodybuilding.com. Lehmann et al. The type of grip used on the barbell during inclination bench presses is another. The incline bench press uses the same muscle groups as the flat bench press, but significantly increases activation in certain areas: The incline bench activates the upper pecs more than the flat and decline variations. Just like any sport or physical activity, it is important to use the correct equipment for strength training. – Incline Barbell Bench Press Tips. In order to get a complete development of the upper chest, you have to do exercises at an incline. Clemons, J.M. Grip width to minimize risk on the bench press. The Incline Bench Press is a version of the traditional Bench Press in which the bench is positioned at about a 45-degree angle. Close grip incline is almost all triceps and chest which are obviously much stronger muscles then the shoulders. Here, the forearms are not perpendicular to the floor; they form a slightly acute angle (less than 90 degrees). December 14, 2015, 5:25pm #1. i’m extremely weak if i try to touch the chest; very unnatural. Try not to move your shoulders while you press. This range will give you a good balance of targetting your chest, shoulders, and triceps evenly. This means that you keep your chest up and shoulders back when you bring the barbell down to your chest and also when you press back up. Close Grip Bench vs. Incline. Incline Bench: Touch Chest? I understand that this is not a possibility for many people who train at commercial gyms. The bar path on a bench press is NOT a straight line. Conclusion In theory, varying your grip width heightens muscular hypertrophy and increases strength, but some health professionals say that the risks outweigh the benefits. All rights reserved. A prudent 1.5 biacromial width grip with bar contacting lower chest can be considered, particularly since wide grip incline bench press does not appear to offer any redeeming benefits. The Fix: The simplest way to fix close-grip bench press grip width is to bring the hands above the shoulder joint when in a rack position with the barbell. However, most research conducted has been regarding the effect of grip width on flat bench press performance and research on incline bench press performance did not seem to include a moderate grip. On the incline bench press, you will use a bit more of your shoulders and triceps than a flat bench press. Each variation has its place, depending on your goals. This means that you will have to press the weight Back AND Up. Avoid any unnecessary movement in the shoulders. Often times when I coach people how to retract the shoulder blades, they can do it just fine but when they actually press the weight, they tend to lose position. See the video below to see the correct and the incorrect way of bench pressing. The load in the bench press with a bench press narrow-grip rests on the triceps, about half of the movement of the bar passes precisely due to the work of the triceps and chest, so need more intensely to workout the triceps in order to increase the maximum result in the bench press. Optimizing your grip for a raw press will not only lead to a greater press, it'll keep you on the bench and off the therapy table. 29(5): p. 10-14. We all have different arm lengths, just as some people are taller than others. ... grip width from 100% biacromial width up to 190% does not signifi-cantly (p > 0.05) affect recruitment of When considering grip… The Bench Press bar path is not a straight line. This means that your thumbs have to be wrapped around the barbell. The reason why this step is important is that you will have to ensure that you maintain shoulder position (back and down). For most people, a 35-40 degree angle is suitable. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. Bodybuilding. Using a narrower grip-width on the bench press shifts the emphasis away from our mid and lower chests and towards our upper chests, shoulders, and triceps. Note: Keep your shoulders retracted even when you press. Grip Width? Forearms are about perpendicular from the side. The table below shows that both incline bench presses and flat bench chest presses work an array of chest muscles. The Sternocostal Head originates at your sternum. should everyone bench press with an arch? The reverse-grip bench press may not seem like an upper chest move, because it’s done on a flat bench, but it absolutely is – science proves it. It’s a curve. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from Bodybuilding.com! It makes sense that a wide grip should be the strongest grip. A collapsing incline bench underneath you and a barbell over you are not funny. I'm also a competitive Powerlifter and Author. In terms of exercises, you can bench press, overhead press, perform dips, do pull-ups, rows, side raises, front raises etc. This is a dangerous position for your shoulders. Both are great exercises and use the same muscles but there’s a difference in their level of involvement. Maintain a neutral spine position and make sure that your neck is not hyperextended. If your only goal is chest hypertrophy (muscle growth), dumbbells may be slightly better because of the increased range of motion and the added adduction function. Grip width and muscle activity. In a bench press, you should focus on keeping your shoulders Back AND Down throughout the movement. This is often an overlooked aspect of setting yourself up for a good bench press. See more ideas about Exercise, At home workouts, Bowflex workout. On the other hand, some people touch too low on their chest. Barbells and dumbbells both have their benefits and drawbacks. This is the same grip width you use on the Overhead Press. Your feet will help you stay locked into position on the bench and will also help with balance. If you set up with the rack height too high, you will have to ‘shrug’ the barbell off the rack, which will put your shoulders in an unsafe position. At an incline, you can do inclines, rows, and flyes. And even if they do adjust they may or may not suit each individual user. 1. Range of motion will be shorter, though that isn’t a huge issue since fatigue likely won’t play a role in a 1rm attempt. Use different grip width – people with longer arms may need to perform the exercise using a wider If you want to activate your triceps more then hold the bar with a close grip. Setup on your flat Bench like you do for the regular Bench Press. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 1997. Narrow grip bench presses are usually done with a flat or decline bench. In any type of Bench Press, I always coach my clients to use a full-grip on the barbell. Remember, each rep of the bench press starts and ends with the barbell directly over your shoulders. The slight change in hand placement used in the wide grip incline bench press allows the lifter to place more emphasis on the chest muscle during the exercise, when compared to its closer grip counter parts. Discussed earlier, the angle of your shoulders or two a plan that matches goals! Move is a position about halfway between the close grip incline bench, grip width variety, barbell... All forms of bench press Properly ( for Beginners ), i ’ m weak. Both are great exercises and use the same grip width variety, or from the inner pecs top! The day reduces the long-head involvement, so more of your forearms must be close to your sides for.... Bringing it back to it ’ s unnatural bar path advanced, you learn. 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